Boots and Hearts 2019 Recap


Boots and Hearts 2019 Recap

Well, the annual Boots & Hearts weekend has come and gone for 2019 and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. 

I personally was only able to spend 24 hours at Boots as I arrived on Sunday morning but the rest of the team was there from the start. If you've never been to Boots then it may be tough to understand what is all about, you have to experience it to grasp what it really is. 

However, even if you didn't attend I'm sure you've seen some of the ridiculous and viral videos that have been circulating through Instagram and other social platforms. 

I put together a quick recap of this wild weekend and have featured some of the most ridiculous videos that have surfaced.

First, we have a hero running across the top of the porta-potties (a classic festival move). From the looks of it, he was about to succeed until his pal dropped the shoulder into one of the last shitters and brought the heroic journey to a hault...


Up next we have... Actually I'm really not sure what they were trying to accomplish here.

Nice tarp on the 2nd guy from the top though. 

The rest of the weekend was a blast, the team started off Friday night at the Cole Swindell concert which he crushed (so I've heard).

Look, I'm just a first-year hire so I haven't necessarily grasped how much publicity and popularity the brand has and Boots was definitely an eye-opener for me. We have a ton of awesome people who are friends of the brand and we love to send it with them when we can. So let me quickly name drop a few people that attended Boots and were a part of the send this weekend.

We were accompanied by the king of Instagram Diesel Trucks Eric @Fl4tfour and from what I witnessed it was a constant line of fans asking for photos and stories with this beauty, Nootaabiggdeaaalll. On-site we also had Big Brother Canada season 4 winner, Paqs (@Paqsofficial) who I'm pretty sure was vlogging every single part of the weekend so keep an eye out for his vlog that I'm sure is dropping soon on youtube (Paqs). We also had Stanley Cup Champion Bryan Bickell hanging out with the crew for a couple of drinks. Owen Barney (@Owenbarneymusic) stopped by on Sunday right as I arrived to play some drinking games and chill out with the crew before his performance at 2:30. And of course the legend Furious Pete (@furiouspete) was in the house crushing pints!


Our loaded crew of Boots senders just made it that much cooler for me to be a part of. I'm still running on that boots high and already looking forward to next year!


Dev (@devlin_forsyth)

By Devlin Forsyth